Lancing College graded excellent for academic achievement by ISI

Credit: This story was first seen on the Argus

An independent school has been judged excellent across the board by inspectors, the Argus reports.

Lancing College was graded excellent for academic achievement and pupil’s personal development by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).

Inspectors said: “Pupils’ highly developed study skills provide a secure base to support their outstanding academic and other achievements. Their excellent attitudes to their studies are exemplified by high levels of initiative and independence in their learning”.

The report also praised the quality of pupils’ personal development: “Pupils have a very well-developed sense of self-esteem and are confident about their place in the society of school and in the wider world.”

The six-strong team of inspectors recommended the school ensured that the highly successful and engaging teaching methods seen in the majority of lessons are employed by all staff.

The ISI is an independent government-approved organisation responsible for the inspection of schools in organisations affiliated to the Independent Schools Council, representing 1,200 schools.

Inspectors make headline judgements excellent, good, sound or unsatisfactory, in two key areas – the quality of the students’ personal development and the quality of students’ academic achievements.

Commenting on the report headmaster Dominic Oliver said: “We are delighted to be awarded an overall excellent rating and this is a testament to our staff at the College and to our amazing pupils. We take our role in teaching, guiding and caring for our pupils very seriously; this report identifies many of the strengths that make Lancing College such an incredible experience for our boys and girls.”

Dr Harry Brunjes, chair of the governing body, said: “The college should be exceptionally proud of this judgement. This inspection focused on the quality of the school’s work and importantly on outcomes for pupils. Feedback from parents and pupils has also confirmed the strong support for the school’s leadership under Dominic Oliver.”

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