Private school graded ‘excellent’ for pupil development

Credit: This story was first seen on The Argus

Inspectors have given an independent school top marks for student wellbeing and praised pupils’ excellent attitude to learning, The Argus reports.

Our Lady of Sion School in Gratwicke Road, Worthing, was graded excellent for pupils’ personal development by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) for the way it helps develop self-confidence and how it prepares students for life outside the school gates.

Inspectors also rated the school good for academic achievement highlighting students’ ‘excellent attitude to learning’. They identified teachers as ‘well-qualified’.

Inspectors said: “The good progress made by pupils is maintained throughout the school across all abilities, because teachers understand and are sensitive to their pupils’ needs.”

Following a three day inspection in December, the day school, which caters for girls and boys aged three to 19, was also highly praised for the way students work with each other, the respect they show to others and their ’emotional resilience’.

The four-strong team of inspectors recommended the school do more to challenge more able junior pupils in maths and further enhance their excellent efforts in assessing, monitoring and tracking pupils’ progress.

Headmaster Dr Simon Orchard said: “This inspection report really is a testament to the immense amount of care and attention that all staff put in to ensuring every student can have a successful Sion experience. We focus on excellent teaching, supported by careful tracking and communication of students’ progress and we add to this thoughtful, holistic pastoral care. This combination of challenge and support allows each one of our 423 students to be known as individuals.”

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