THINK!’s new campaign educates children on road safety

THINK!’s new road safety campaign, featuring a beloved CITV star, aims to make life safer for children

A new road THINK! road safety campaign has been launched which stars children’s TV presenter Sam Homewood.

As part of the campaign, Homewood visited Holy Family school to encourage children to think more carefully about crossing roads. New material aimed at teachers, parents and road safety experts has also been released by THINK!.

THINK! has been running campaigns for over 50 years and has continued to challenge behaviours and attitudes towards road safety. These campaigns have helped reduce the number of traffic-related deaths from 22 a day in 1960 to five a day in 2016.

This campaign aims to capture children’s imaginations with a new song – Safer Journeys Anthem – which features the classic ‘stop, look, listen, think’ message alongside games, films and lesson plans. It has been released at the optimal time, as children will soon be on summer holidays and, therefore, are likely to be outdoors more.

Road safety minister, Jesse Norman, said:

“Britain has some of the safest roads in the world, but we are always looking at new ways to make them safer.

“As more children take advantage of the better weather by talking to school or playing outside, it is important they know how to cross roads safely.

“THINK!’s new resources will make it fun and easier than ever for schools and parents to help children learn good habits that can last a lifetime.”

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