Credit: This story was first seen on the North Devon Journal
A North Devon private school has failed to meet safeguarding and leadership requirements in the private school version of an Ofsted report, the North Devon Journal reports.
Kingsley School in Bideford received a good deal of praise in the report but some areas were flagged up in the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) report as needing improvement.
A spokesman for Kingsley School has sought to reassure parents and pupils by stating “the recommended adjustments to procedure were made during the inspectors’ visit, indeed before the inspectors left Bideford.”
In the report’s summary evaluation it states: ‘The school does not meet all of the standards in the schedule to the education regulations 2014, and the national minimum standards for boarding Schools 2015 and should take immediate action to remedy deficiencies.’
The reports singles out safeguarding as a particular issue.
‘The school has not always complied with the requirement under Keeping Children Safe in Education to take up references and medical checks for all staff; gaps in employment could not be checked and responses recorded because a previous employment history was not always received,’ the report states.
‘In addition, insufficient measures were taken to manage the residence of all persons living on the same premises as boarders but not employed by the school pending receipt of an enhanced DBS check which had been applied for.
‘The written letter of agreement given to all persons occupying accommodation but not employed by the school did not include that this may cease to be provided if there is evidence that they are unsuitable to have regular contact with children or the requirement that the school must be notified if the resident is charged with, or convicted of, any offence.’
A spokesman for Kingsley School said: “Following the ISI inspection, Kingsley School voluntarily undertook a further rigorous audit by the Methodist Independent Schools Trust (MIST) Schools’ safeguarding team, made up of leading consultants.
“Kingsley School are pleased to have been subjected to two inspections and has full confidence that all procedures and processes are up-to-date to ensure that the school continues to provide a safe and caring environment that fully complies with all the requirements set out in the Independent Schools Regulations as defined by the Department of Education and meets the best-practice as demanded by MIST’s safeguarding audit.”
The report was very complimentary in many other aspects, particularly Early Years Foundation Stage education which it called “outstanding”.